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Boca Raton
Monday, March 31, 2025

Charity & Memorial Information: Dedicated to Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS & Parkland

The #SoooBoca 12 Months of Giving page for March is dedicated to Parkland, Florida and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. For those victims, families and friends and all those affected by the shooting February 14th, 2018. For those that may not know this Parkland is about 15 -20 minutes from Boca. We have driven by the school for years traveling up and down the Sawgrass Expressway and we are all close knit communities in spirit and also cross over each other with events, sports, play dates and school. We are heartbroken.

We have included links to Facebook pages, events, memorials and charities that are happening or ongoing. Please let us know if you have something coming up so we can add it to our #SoooBoca Facebook events section. May peace be with all.

March For Our Lives

March For Our Lives – Boca Walk Information


MSD STRONG Facebook Page 

Go Fund Me – Gina Montalto Memorial Foundation 

Please note the below list is from the Sun Sentinel 2/18/2018 and please do your diligence with any funds you are donating to.

Here are campaigns that GoFundMe had vetted and added to its Stoneman Douglas High School hub page:

The George Snow Scholarship Fund is very excited to announce that through an extremely generous donation from Ann and John Wood and their FairfaxWood Scholarship Foundation, we are now able to offer college scholarships to deserving graduating seniors at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In initiating the “Marjory Stoneman Douglas Scholarship Fund”, the Wood family wishes to inspire others to bring a ray of hope to the students of this devastated school. Their goal is to help these students that are left with broken hearts and spirits an opportunity to obtain a college scholarship.

The Wood Family invites others in the community to donate a partial or full scholarship to the current seniors.

Applications for this year’s awards are now available at our website at www.scholarship.org.

Click on link for tickets! Concert for Douglas with the City of Boca Raton and Mayor Susan Haynie, featuring Young Arists of South Florida. 100% proceeds will benefit the Stoneman Douglas Fund and political agendas will not be permitted.

Parking: FREE onsite parking
Security: Bag check will be at the entrance. Small purses are recommend as large purses or back packs will not be permitted.

Love … Michele, Kylie and Alle

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