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Sunday, February 9, 2025

7 Public Relations Tips to Use During the Covid-19 Crisis

On today’s #SoooBoca Stories Boca Raton podcast and YouTube vlog, my friend and local business owner, Bonnie Kaye, Founder, President, and Chief Strategist of Kaye Communications, Inc. (KCOM), a Boca Raton, discusses public relations and marketing in a time of crisis.

During this unprecedented time of Covid-19, companies, businesses and brands are learning a new normal in regard to marketing, branding and public relations. Bonnie has great tips and strategies that will help any type of business including non-profits!

As a business owner, Realtor and social media marketer I loved this conversation with Bonnie as we talked all things public relations, marketing, innovation and collaborations that businesses and brands can do.

Many local businesses have quickly pivoted by reinventing what they are offering, doing and creating to stay open and relevant during this time. We all have to think outside of the box and color outside of the lines right now!

7 Public Relations Tips

  1. Communicate with customers. Be authentic and sensitive in your message and your narrative.
  2. Identify and harness opportunities to help and be a community citizen during a crisis (some which are hiding in plain site).
  3. Use your energy, time and thought leadership and turn that into productive planning and execution.
  4. Collaborate with other brands and businesses in your community.
  5. Manage client expectations. Don’t over promise and do not go MIA. Continue to create content.
  6. Social media influencers can be powerful during this time. Reach out to them to help you put out content.
  7. Optimize social media, video content and digital spaces.

Plan to Pivot

Change is very difficult, especially for businesses operating successfully for 5, 10 and 20 years, but in unprecedented times all must be flexible and market-relevant to move your business forward. Do a “deep dive” look in your business and determine how your brand will remain essential.

Thomas Farms

Creative Examples of Pivoting

If you like listening to podcasts you can check out the entire episode on the #SoooBoca Stories Podcast on iTunes!


I know I found this information to be timely and want to thank Bonnie for her insight and vision as we move forward through this crisis and continue to morph in today’s business environment.

Bonnie S. Kaye, a Florida native and public relations and marketing veteran, is the Founder, President, and Chief Strategist of Kaye Communications, Inc. (KCOM), a Boca Raton, FL-based, full-service strategic integrated marketing and public relations firm serving a diversified list of regional and national clients.

More info: http://www.kcompr.com/about-us/bonnie…

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