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Boca Raton
Friday, March 28, 2025

Meet Michele Bellisari – Over 50 & Not Slowing Down | VoyageMIA Interview

Voyage definition: an act or instance of traveling 


Hello #SoooBoca ?

This is super cool and I can’t believe it happened! Thank you VoyageMIA for what I would call a fabulous Fall gift!  When I stuck my sparkly toe into the blogging, vlogging and online media world a year ago with #SoooBoca it is stille hard to believe what has happened. So many cool things have transpired from starting this thought bubble of an idea of a local lifestyle blog about my beautiful city of Boca Raton, South Florida and Beyond! A big shout out to my daughter’s Kylie and Alle, who I fondly call
“my mills” for being part of this creative venture and journey!


I am a full time Realtor, mom of my millennial’s Kylie and Alle who are bright, my rocks and my total inspiration, wife to the Captain, marketer, lover of all things social media, addicted to vlogging and passionate about a good oaky chardonnay!  We love to collab on all things Boca Raton and beyond from our travels and foodie fun…to shopping hauls, product reviews, enjoying a glass of of wine always accompanied by good laughs and smart and a sometimes sassy conversations too!

Cup Half Full Kinda Gal

Yup I am a cup half full, say YES kinda gal and my hope is that this VoyageMIA article will inspire people of all ages as I share my message which is #ageisjustanumber and #overfifty means I am just getting started baby!

The cool thing about getting to a certain age is that you either fear life or you don’t and you can decide to either go for it or be complacent. I made a choice to not be complacent. I have also made some choices about where I want to spend my time these days and the ultimate theme for me is it must bring me joy and I must be looking forward to what ever is happening.

11 Things That Happened Because I Said Yes

I truly believe you can start over at any age which I did at “50” like Sally O’Malley and to be influential in a positive manner with a #givetoget mentality. Nothing gives me more joy then to collaborate with @_ohmyitskye and @hallealessiaphotography and share our world WITH the world.

When I have the opportunity to simply chat and bounce ideas off my daughters I truly gain a fresh perspective on today’s world and love to get their perspectives on ideas for this blog and social media posts. I also rely on my mastermind and business peers for a broad view on business ideas and thoughts that I can tweak and use is a variety of ways.  Bottom line…find your tribe.

Find Your Tribe

I have always been an out of the box thinker personally and in today’s world  it has never been easier to create a business and life you love on a shoe string budget. With the tools and training’s at one’s finger tips it a click of a computer key or tap on your phone to head to YouTube for tutorials on everything.

Although this blog is about Boca Raton, South Florida and Beyond.  I meet women at my workshops, at networking events and online who frequently want a fresh start in business or some knowledge on how to start a side gig to add to their main gig and I truly believe we can all be supportive of each other and pay it forward.

Ask questions, share information and grow your gig in a manner that suits your personality and who you are! Sooo for today…this post is not so much about #SoooBoca but hopefully to encourage women from Boca and beyond to just go for it! Don’t keep looking in the rear view mirror cuz that is simply not going to propel you forward in your own ventures.

So just for today…I want you to start thinking how only YOU hold yourself back and that you really don’t have to! Thank you for embracing my…our … #SoooBoca and Beyond blog and social media channels and please share with your friends, family and colleagues…we have more to come as we move into the end of the year and into another New Year! Thank you again to VoyageMIA!

Michele Bee xo


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